Favorite things 2024

Okay, I'll give it my best shot!

Favorite Treats for Both:
Chocolate, Donuts, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, baklava, M&Ms

Favorite Treats for Oliver:
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Oreos, Hot chocolate
Most candy, honestly

Favorite Treats for Penny:
Smarties, Skittles, Starbursts, Hershey chocolate bars, Kit Kats

Favorite Calming Activities for Both:
Sensory swing, fidgets, Legos, diamond painting (Oliver enjoys the stickers, Penny likes medium size projects), Kinetic Sand activities/kits

Favorite Calming Activities for Penny:
Slime (butter texture), Audiobooks, Baths, Dig Kits

Favorite Calming Activities for Oliver:
Slime (thick & glossy texture), Showers, Baths, and Water Play
(sensitive skin so he doesn't do great with some bath products)

Favorite Characters for Both:

Harry Potter, Percy Jackson

Super Mario, Spider-Man, Spidey & Friends

Outdoor Activities for Both:
Finding gemstones, exploring nature trails, exploring creeks, scooters, biking (Oliver is more touch and go on this one), swinging, sand play, chalk, water play

Nature Activities for Penny:
Bird watching, Friendly bugs, reptiles, interacting/watching animals of almost all kinds, pretending to make food stuffs

Nature Activities for Oliver:
Sand play, finding rocks/treasures, climbing, balancing, jumping etc, obstacle courses etc

My two favorite places to eat are:
Anamias (Penny loves it.  Oliver doesn't, so he gets Sonic lol)
Jiro Sushi (everyone loves this place, but I guess we will have to find a closer one now!)

Kids love most typical kiddo friendly fast food places like McDonalds, Sonic, Wendys, Chicken Express, etc.


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