Well Check

Last Friday, Oliver had his first well check since covid started.

It was stressful.

The office requires masks, which is good.  Well, I would say everyone we saw there was masked with the exception of maybe 2 patients. They let us wait in the car until it was time to go back.

The sick and well areas always seem like they pretty much share too many common areas to matter, like we walked through the "sick area" to go through that door for some reason, but there was no one in the sick area so whatever, I guess?

The doctor was very interactive with the kids. He talked fast and my fragile brain had a hard time keeping up sometimes. He asked Oliver off the bat if he wanted to take his mask off, and I was like "No thank you."  And he looked at me and said, "I was asking Oliver." and yeah, that pissed me off.  It doesn't matter if he wants to take it off.. I just told you I want to keep it on.  First strike.  

Oliver declined to remove it.

He checked his ear, which he had cut last week pretty badly.  He fell and sliced right through the cartilage on the edge of his ear.  He was hysterical and there was a lot of blood, I thought for sure he was going to need a stitch or glue.  I started getting ready to take him in, but the bleeding stopped and we decided to keep an eye on it.  It is healing nicely now.

Anyway, the doctor then glanced down his pants, without much warning, and Oliver was like WTF?  Then he started getting gloves on and I was like "Hey, I do not want you to retract him." And he was like "Well I'm not really going to retract him, I just need to see that it can retract a little bit."
"It does, please do not touch him."
"Okay, that's all I needed to know."

How do doctors still not know intact care?  Second strike.

The doctor seems clever enough, I guess.  He legit just handed me a list of the vaccinations he needs and was like, whenever you are ready, these are what he will need to catch up. You can get them here or at private pharmacies etc. It doesn't matter to me. Whenever you are ready.

They did a blood prick to test iron levels, and we weren't expecting that. Oliver completely lost his shit over it, which is unusual for him. But then Penny, who has big time anxiety about needles, started sobbing and didn't stop for an hour.

The doctor even came over to see why she was crying and told her she didn't have to do the iron test if she didn't want to. Which seemed like a crummy thing to say in front of Oliver.

They did a vision screening which was such a joke.  The lady told Oliver to let her know if the letters were too small and he was like "Yes, those are too small." And I had to explain that she didn't want his opinion, she just needed him to read the letters.  He passed the vision test.

Then they did a hearing test, and he did not react to the sounds on his left side. So he failed that and referred us to an ENT.  I made an appt for next week. 

He agreed that based on what I was saying, he might be on the spectrum, and gave me a list of doctors that we could try for in-depth testing.

He spent a lot of time with us, answered any questions we had. So I guess he's okay for now, but I don't love him and I don't really feel like I fully trust him just yet.


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