Egg Allergy

I've missed writing about so much lately, but I don't want to miss this. 

A month or two ago, Oliver had a scratch test done for his egg allergy and it came back negative.  So a few weeks ago, Oliver had bloodwork done.  We got the results while were on vacation--both tests were negative.  So we scheduled a food challenge for 2 weeks later, which was today.

We ordered groceries yesterday with eggs, and then woke up early today to get ready for his appt.  Richard made 2 scrambled eggs for Oliver to take to his in office food challenge, and we put them in a little batman thermos. I took both our ipads, some paper and crayons, and we headed up to the office for our appt.

They came in a fed Oliver a few grams of eggs every 20 minutes for over 2 hours.  It was stressful.  After a couple of bites, Oliver started feeling really hot and I had to take his shirt off and fan him in the office.  After two doses, he was really over the scrambled eggs and didn't want to eat anymore. He was starving and getting grumpy.  He wanted to go home.  He hung in there, but it required much effort on my part.  Eventually, the doctor came in and said she was calling it because she didn't want him to start hating egg because of the test. 

He had passed.  He can eat egg now.  She said she has no concerns about any kind of egg.  We talked about the flu shot and she said we could just get it done at her office next week whenever we were ready. She was so sweet in getting Oliver excited about eating egg, I even teared up.  But Oliver was ready to go the minute she said he wasn't allergic to egg anymore.  Hand on the door, had to pull him back inside.

When we went to check out, all the joy was sucked out of my body exhausted, stressed out body.  Debbie had canceled our health insurance and everyone was in a tizzy about me paying everything right then and there.  When I refused, they called up other people to talk about it.  I explained that we had insurance and they needed to pay their part first, that I would straighten it out and let them know.  But I was angry.  And then I got angrier because I was angry.  And sad. And so on and so forth. 

I took Oliver to the donut shop, and it was completely empty, so I felt okay taking him in masked to pick out his own donuts.  The shop owner was so excited for him, they sent home extra donuts for free.

He was really excited to present the donuts to Penny and Richard, explaining to them what each donut was and when we should eat them. We all enjoyed donuts and sausage rolls together, and then Oliver told Richard he really wanted to go "camping." At our house, this means a giant tent in the living room, haha. Richard didn't even hesitate. You want to camp tonight? Okay, I'll get the tent tonight. Oliver said, "No, I want the tent to play in all day."
"Okay buddy, no problem." So we skipped (home)school and they bounced around on the air mattress and played in the tent all afternoon.

I took a mental health break and drove to the park where I could sit in the car and cry my face off for a while. Once I had pulled myself together, I asked Richard if he wanted to order food and go have a picnic. We have really tightened the purse strings, but today felt like it just needed to be an exception. We ordered Oliver's request (Red Lobster, lol) and took it to a park to eat.

It finally started to feel like a good day. Oliver wanted to know every single ingredient that had eggs so he could eat it, and he did. They played around on in a baseball stadium, and then we loaded up and drove to Dairy Queen for the first time. The kids had blizzards and we sat around laughing and eating ice cream. Oliver declared that every day he woke up without an egg allergy would be ice cream for breakfast, so tomorrow morning should be fun.

Then they got all set up in their tent and we did not-so-scary campfire stories. I told one about a hero named Oliver who finally defeated his life-long nemesis, Eggy Eggerson.

There was much laughter and happiness and I am just so full of joy for him not having to carry this for the rest of his life.


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